In Artinis NIRS blog, you will find the latest trends in (f)NIRS, NIRS studies and applications, tutor from the leaders of near infrared spectroscopy, not to mention detailed insights and tips and tricks for your research!

fNIRS analysis toolbox series – Brain AnalyzIR
NIRS data analysis Artinis Medical Systems NIRS data analysis Artinis Medical Systems

fNIRS analysis toolbox series – Brain AnalyzIR

Here we present the NIRS Brain AnalyzIR toolbox, a toolbox for analysis of (f)NIRS data in Matlab. NIRS Brain AnalyzIR toolbox aims at researchers with a background in neuroscience. The toolbox is suitable for researchers having basic knowledge of Matlab and especially those who are comfortable with object-oriented programming.

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fNIRS analysis toolbox series – NIRSTORM
NIRS data analysis Artinis Medical Systems NIRS data analysis Artinis Medical Systems

fNIRS analysis toolbox series – NIRSTORM

Here we present NIRSTORM, a NIRS analysis plugin for the MATLAB-based MEEG Brainstorm toolbox. It is aimed at researchers with a background in neuroscience, engineering, optics and physics. Here, we present the basic principle of NIRSTORM and show a simple example of how to go from raw data to a visualisation of the average response over trials and sessions.

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fNIRS analysis toolbox series – OxySoft
NIRS data analysis, Software Artinis Medical Systems NIRS data analysis, Software Artinis Medical Systems

fNIRS analysis toolbox series – OxySoft

OxySoft is our proprietary, and dedicated, NIRS software used to collect, store, view, and analyze all necessary data. Here, we present the basic principle of data analysis within OxySoft itself and show a simple example of how to read in data, preprocess the data (filtering only), average over trials and over subjects and plot the final result in a graph. Finally, we will show how to get the data into a format suited for statistical analysis.

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The Elevated Artinis Support Center – Receiving easy and quick support and knowledge
General Artinis Medical Systems General Artinis Medical Systems

The Elevated Artinis Support Center – Receiving easy and quick support and knowledge

Providing superior support solutions to our customers is one of our highest priorities. We are happy to announce that we recently released our elevated support center, which aims to provide support and education quickly and easily to all Artinis users.

Read this blogpost about the content and aims of the different pages of the support center.

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Non-invasive evaluation of the endothelial and microvascular dysfunction induced by COVID-19
PortaMon, PortaLite Artinis Medical Systems PortaMon, PortaLite Artinis Medical Systems

Non-invasive evaluation of the endothelial and microvascular dysfunction induced by COVID-19

To provide professional intensive care specifically fit to cure COVID-19, hospitals need the appropriate space and equipment. Health care professionals have been working with limited resources in extreme environments but knowledge and experience is rapidly expanding. Several institutes have been implementing NIRS to study the endothelial and microvascular dysfunction to support the development of targeted and individualized therapies.

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How to: Start a measurement and do a short analysis
General, Brite, OctaMon, OxyMon, PortaLite, PortaMon, Software Artinis Medical Systems General, Brite, OctaMon, OxyMon, PortaLite, PortaMon, Software Artinis Medical Systems

How to: Start a measurement and do a short analysis

If you don’t have time to read our extensive manuals, but would still like some quick pointers on how to start a measurement with one of our state of the art fNIRS devices… you’re in the right place! In this blog we will get you set-up in no time and discuss some of the analysis options our proprietary software, OxySoft, offers.

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Heart rate extraction from NIRS signal
General, OxyMon, NIRS data analysis Artinis Medical Systems General, OxyMon, NIRS data analysis Artinis Medical Systems

Heart rate extraction from NIRS signal

A commonly asked question is “What are the advantages of NIRS over EEG?”. NIRS signals are, in general, less susceptible to artifacts like motion artifacts or electrical noises. There are, however, also physiological components such as heartbeat, breathing, and Mayer-waves present in the signal. Although not an artifact, these components are usually filtered out since they are not useful in determining the pure hemodynamic response signal of the brain. Nevertheless, there is interesting information in the heartbeat. In this blog, we talk about taking advantage of the heartbeat in the NIRS signals and extracting the heart rate signal from them.

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How to clean your Artinis NIRS systems and accessories?
General, Brite, OctaMon, OxyMon, PortaLite, PortaMon Artinis Medical Systems General, Brite, OctaMon, OxyMon, PortaLite, PortaMon Artinis Medical Systems

How to clean your Artinis NIRS systems and accessories?

COVID-19 has had a major impact on all of us. For a while, Universities were closed and research was put on hold. Now slowly but surely, we are going back to the labs and starting our experiments again. NIRS experiments include contact with patients and research participants, we therefore find it important to inform you about how to clean the Artinis NIRS devices.

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The importance of being precise: using PsychoPy for stimulus presentation and OxySoft for triggering
General, NIRS data analysis Artinis Medical Systems General, NIRS data analysis Artinis Medical Systems

The importance of being precise: using PsychoPy for stimulus presentation and OxySoft for triggering

You’ve got your NIRS device ready and have already thought of the protocol for your next experiment. You have a clear picture of it in your head: you can see the subjects with the NIRS cap on facing a PC monitor showing each of the instructions and stimuli at the exact timing you were aiming for. Timestamps for each event are automatically saved and once the session is over, you are ready to go for the analysis. Sounds nice, right? How simple is it, though? Well, turns out it’s quite simple, actually. You just need the right tools, and the combination of PsychoPy and Oxysoft is a perfect match!

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Artinis Literature Overview 2019 - Brain research
OxyMon, Brite, OctaMon, PortaLite Artinis Medical Systems OxyMon, Brite, OctaMon, PortaLite Artinis Medical Systems

Artinis Literature Overview 2019 - Brain research

We are very proud to see our equipment used in a wide range of scientific research and continue to be inspired by the bright scientists who are our customers. Perhaps the biggest takeaway from all the publications last year is the fact that NIRS is no longer navel-gazing as a research field on its own, but it has reached out and found a new audience as a versatile research application that, even more than fMRI, is being used in more and more parallel fields. Here, we highlight some of the noteworthy elements of 2019’s publications.

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