In Artinis NIRS blog, you will find the latest trends in (f)NIRS, NIRS studies and applications, tutor from the leaders of near infrared spectroscopy, not to mention detailed insights and tips and tricks for your research!
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Comparison of fNIRS with other neuroimaging modalities – fNIRS vs. fMRI
fMRI is widely used and seen as the gold standard in non-invasive in-vivo brain imaging. However, due to its technology, it is comes with certain limitations in participant groups and experiments. fNIRS is portable, easy to use and can be applied in subjects of all ages. Hence, it can provide a valid alternative to fMRI in many applications. In this blogpost we discuss advantages that fNIRS has over fMRI, considerations that should be kept in mind and we highlight literature using fNIRS and fMRI to compare, or get complementary information.

Using a customized Brite during diving - a blogpost interview with Triton Systems, Inc.
As it is portable, customizable and easy to use, fNIRS can be applied to measure brain activity in various and unusual applications. In this blogpost, we interview Triton Systems, Inc., who modified the Brite to make it waterproof and use it to get insights on brain oxygenation during deep water diving. They explain challenges they faced during modification, and give insights into first results of applying fNIRS during diving.

Publication overview 2024 - fNIRS studies with our devices
In 2024, an increasing number of relevant literature measuring brain activity with our fNIRS devices have been published. In this blogpost, we discuss application fields and purposes of using fNIRS to measure in the brain, and highlight exciting studies published in the last year with Artinis devices per category. Further, we show recent publications using our devices in naturalistic settings outside of the lab.

Publication overview 2024 - Studies measuring brain and muscle oxygenation simultaneously using our devices
NIRS can be used to measure brain and muscle oxygenation at the same time to get a complete picture on oxygen status in the body. We are happy that in 2024 an increased number of studies using NIRS on brain and muscle simultaneously in various application fields was released. Read this blogpost to learn more about application areas of NIRS to assess cerebral and muscular oxygenation, and highlighted publications of last year per category.

Using fNIRS to explore neurocognitive aging: An interview with Dr. Claudia Gonzalez
Neurocognitive aging explores how aging affects cognitive functions like memory, attention, and problem-solving, which vary widely across individuals. Dr. Claudia Gonzalez, PI of the ABC Lab, leads research focused on understanding the neural and cognitive changes in aging adults. In this interview, Dr. Gonzalez shares her insights and discusses how fNIRS plays a role in advancing our understanding of how aging influences brain function and behavior.

Which experimental designs to use in fNIRS — Block design
Block design is one of the most frequently used experimental designs when performing fNIRS experiments, as it offers various advantages. In this blogpost, we explain characteristics, advantages and considerations of block design experiments, and give recommendations on how to correctly use it in your fNIRS research.

Which experimental designs to use in fNIRS — Introduction
This is the introduction post of our blogpost series on experimental designs in fNIRS. In this blogpost, we explain what fNIRS measures, which general considerations have to be considered, and which frequent experimental setups we have for fNIRS.

Beyond the Brain: Unveiling the Mind-Muscle Connection with Simultaneous NIRS
NIRS can be applied on any tissue enabling to measure brain and muscle oxygenation simultaneously. Read this blogpost to learn more about application areas employing NIRS on muscle and brain at the same time, recently published literature and solutions Artinis offers to make this possible.

Moving in Sync: How Brains Connect During Collaborative Ping Pong - A fNIRS Study
fNIRS is a suitable tool to be used in out-of-the-lab experiments that involve movement, as it is portable and relatively insensitive to motion artifacts. In this mini-study we internally tested the usage of fNIRS during a collaborative hyperscanning experiment that involves movement with our Brite Frontal.

Publication overview 2023: Using our (f)NIRS devices to measure in the brain
We are proud that in 2023 an increasing number of publications using our (f)NIRS devices to measure brain activity could be found. In this blogpost, we list application areas with papers released last year utilizing our devices. We also highlight and summarize interesting publications per application category.

How Artinis fNIRS systems are ideal for monitoring the brain of sensitive participants
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy is a neuroimaging modality measuring brain activity, that offers various advantages, such as easy usability and non-invasiveness. Thus, it can perfectly be applied to sensitive subjects, such as infants, toddlers, and the elderly. Read in this blog post, what makes fNIRS a suitable technology to measure neural activity in sensitive subjects, and how it is currently used in this population.

Multimodal fNIRS-EEG measurements — Integration on the head
When simultaneously measuring fNIRS and EEG, placement of both devices should ideally ensure proper coverage of the desired measurement location, minimize interference and take into account (technical) characteristics and basic of both techniques. Read this blog post to learn more about relevance of these points and further recommendations for integrating fNIRS and EEG on one head.