Prefrontal cortical activation measured using fNIRS
Prefrontal cortex (PFC) is an important brain region involved in various complex functions. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive technology that measures changes in oxy- deoxy- and total hemoglobin in various brain areas including the PFC. Multi-channel fNIRS devices can cover the complete PFC and can be used in, for instance cognitive, decision-making or language studies, to measure pre-frontal brain activity. fNIRS requires almost no set-up time and is highly portable enabling free movement of patients. Hence, it can ideally be applied in sports and rehabilitation sciences, psychology and many other fields during performance of daily life activities.
PFC includes the front part of the frontal lobe and cerebral cortex. It plays a major role in various executive functions, for instance planning of complex cognitive behavior, attention focus and carrying out goal-directed behavior. Pre-frontal cortex is further associated with personality development, such as conscious decision making, moderating social behavior and personality expression. Moreover, PFC is implicated with short-term memory and the regulation of language and speech.
Easy prefrontal cortical activation monitoring with our fNIRS devices
PortaLite MKII
An advanced but lite cerebral oxygenation monitoring device that measures local tissue saturation index (TSI), as well as oxy-, deoxy- and total hemoglobin concentration changes.
Brite Frontal
Wearable multi-channel fNIRS device that completely covers the prefrontal cortex and measures oxy-, deoxy- and total hemoglobin concentration changes, making prefrontal cortical measuring at its BEST.
Brite Lite Frontal
Completely wireless 8-channel fNIRS device that is optimized for measuring prefrontal cortical activation in the brain.
fNIRS made easy
fNIRS hyperscanning, measuring brain activity and connectivity of two or more subjects at the same time, is frequently used in many different application areas.
We performed a mini in-house study to test the feasibility of using fNIRS during movement and collaborative hyperscanning tasks using the truly portable and wireless Brite Frontal.
Supporting feature — Improve fNIRS signal quality
More insights on our fNIRS devices
Are you interested in learning more about a specific (f)NIRS device? Request a free 1-on-1 online demo to see our devices and our software, OxySoft!
Contact us
We’re here to help. We are open to any questions or comments, and we do our best to respond to you as soon as possible.
Artinis Medical Systems
Einsteinweg 17, 6662 PW Elst, The Netherlands