Brite Lite
Truly accessible, wireless, and easy-to-use fNIRS system with enhanced possibilities
Measures oxy-, deoxy- and total hemoglobin concentration changes in brain tissue.
Quick set-up and easy use, in the lab and in the field.
Possible multi-power gain control allows selecting, automatically or manually, the optimal transmitter output setting for each channel and each participant.
Integrated 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope to measure movement data.
Bluetooth connection or offline recording with a high sample rate of up to 150 Hz.
Easy data acquisition and analysis with our superior software solutions, OxySoft and Brite Connect.
Hyperscanning possibilities.
The ideal starter device, 8 channels as standard or up to 10 channels with the flexibility package and easily upgradeable down the line.
fNIRS for anyone and anywhere!
The Brite Lite is a lightweight (less than 250 g) and truly wireless fNIRS device that can measure up to 10 channels. The control unit can easily be attached to the headcap, enhancing freedom and mobility. Therefore, the device can be used in any desired setting - in the field, during exercise, in- and outside the lab - without the need for a backpack or other carrying solutions.
The Brite Lite and Brite Lite Frontal come with improved ambient light correction and multi-power gain control. This enables measuring fNIRS in multicultural subjects with different hair types and skin colors. Headbands and headcaps come in different sizes and can be adjusted, unlocking the possibility to measure both adults and children.
Brite Lite
Always hits the mark
The Brite Lite can be used to measure any cortical brain region and is optimized for measuring through hair.
Furthermore, the Brite Lite package includes a headcap that covers the complete brain, making it possible to place optodes wherever desired. Different optode templates are provided, which ensures the freedom to choose a template that covers the desired brain regions — for instance, larger areas, or multiple smaller brain regions simultaneously. It is also possible to add short separation channels to measure superficial tissue that can be used to improve signal quality.
Additionally, the Brite Lite is the perfect fit for hyperscanning studies (monitoring multiple subjects at the same time). Our proprietary software, OxySoft and Brite Connect, enable connecting multiple devices simultaneously to ensure accurate data synchronization.
Brite Lite Frontal
The Brite Lite Frontal makes measuring prefrontal brain activation easy and accessible.
For prefrontal brain measurements, the Brite Lite Frontal can be a worthwhile 8-channel alternative to its cortical counterpart. The device comes with a dedicated headband that covers the prefrontal area, is comfortable to wear, and guarantees a short set-up time. Next to that, optodes and optode templates are specifically designed to measure on the forehead. Hence, the Brite Lite Frontal can be perfectly used for instance in cognitive studies to measure prefrontal brain oxygenation in different fields, such as psychology, sports sciences, or neuroscience.
Opens the way to fNIRS
Upgrade possibilities
Both the Brite Lite and the Brite Lite Frontal can be upgraded down the line to fit your research needs. We offer different upgrade possibilities within the Brite family of devices to increase the number of channels, as well as to add features and enhance options to measure from further brain regions.
Both Brite Lite and the Brite Lite Frontal can be updated to a Brite, increasing the number of channels to up to 27. The Brite Lite Frontal can also be updated to a Brite Frontal that measures 24 channels, enlarging the prefrontal measurement possibilities. This allows you to choose a device that best suits your current situation and upgrade to a better fit when your needs evolve.
*Upgrade possibilities depend on availability and compatibility. Contact us to discuss a solution tailored to your needs.
Supporting features
Optodes & Holders Variety
We offer a range of supporting accessories, including Spring Optode Holders and Short Separation Channel (SSC) Splitter, to fit your study's precision and flexibility. The Spring Optode Holders are designed for optimal scalp contact and high data quality, particularly when measuring over hairy areas such as the temporal, parietal, or motor cortex. These holders are compatible with both Brite and Brite Lite and are delivered color-coded to simplify setup and organization. The SSC Splitter enables users to add up to 8 extra SSCs without significantly reducing the number of standard channels.
You can combine electroencephalography (EEG) and/or transcranial electrical stimulation (tES: tDCS, tACS, tRNS) with NIRS in one single headcap. Such a combination allows clinicians and researchers to measure both cortical electrophysiological (EEG) and hemodynamic activity (fNIRS) before, during, and after transcranial electrical stimulation in real-world settings.
Key Add-Ons
Enhance your Brite system with key accessories: The Polhemus Viper, paired with OxySoft's 3D extension, ensures precise digitization of optode positions directly within the software. The EverGo adds 4 hours of extra runtime for uninterrupted measurements. The Versatile Bio amplifier enables real-time analog (e.g., GSR, RESP, TEMP) and electrical (e.g., ExG, EMG) biosignals monitoring.
fNIRS made easy
The NIRS technique
Optical oximetry and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in particular is a tool for non-invasively assessing the oxygenation status and hemodynamics of various organs, e.g., muscle and brain. They rely on mainly two characteristics of human tissue. Firstly, the relative transparency of tissue for light in the NIR range, and secondly, the oxygenation-dependent light absorbance of hemoglobin.
Real-time recording & processing of your (f)NIRS data
SOFTWARE solutions
With the Brite, we provide two different software solutions by default, which both were developed by Artinis. OxySoft is our dedicated software application used to collect, store, view, and analyze all necessary data. This user-friendly software is highly customizable to individual requirements and allows for display of your data in 3D in real-time. Brite Connect is our data acquisition software which aims on easy and quick recordings of your (f)NIRS data. It comes with a modern and sleek outlay, and enables easy measuring, viewing and exporting of data.
Brite Lite research package
Designed, produced and manufactured in the Netherlands, EU.
Brite Lite or Brite Lite Frontal incl. headcaps or headband
OxySoft, our proprietary data analysis software
Brite Connect, our easy (f)NIRS data recording software
Laptop with pre-installed software
OxySoft and Brite Connect license keys
USB Bluetooth dongle
Universal micro-USB cable
Battery charger
User Manual & quick start guide in English
Support in setting up your research
“I’m very impressed with the material quality of the system; it’s by far the best manufactured commercial neurotech I’ve come across.”
The MediBrite is a CE marked medical device according to Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745.
Other Artinis NIRS products are intended to be used for research applications only. Other Artinis products are not sold as Medical Device as defined in Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745. Our products are not designed or intended to be used for the diagnosis or treatment of disease.