The Elevated Artinis Support Center – Receiving easy and quick support and knowledge
— Updated in October 2024 —
At Artinis, one of our top priorities is to provide our customers with rapid and high-quality service and support. Hence, we recently released our elevated support center, that offers advanced options for support and education, and facilitates communication amongst Artinis users.
Did you ever wish you would be able to have easy and quick access to support material, such as manuals, application sheets and FAQs? Have you ever faced an urgent technical issue? Did you ever feel that it would be useful to be able to communicate with other Artinis users and learn from their experiences?
Then you’ll be happy to learn that we now released our elevated Artinis Support Center for all of our customers. Our goal with this site is to provide support and education possibilities fast and easy to all our customers, whenever needed.
The Artinis Support Center consists of four different pages: the Home Page, the Knowledge Base, the Community Forum and the My Area Page. In the following, you will find some explanations on aim and content of each page.
The support center consists of four different pages to best support you using our NIRS and fNIRS devices
Home page
The Home page should give a first glimpse on the support center. It includes and overview of recently released articles or modules in the section “Recent Topics” and most clicked and read articles in the section “Popular Articles”.
The Home page of the Artinis support center shows recent topics and popular articles
Knowledge Base
The main purpose of the Knowledge Base is to provide support and training for all Artinis users, for both experienced researchers, as well as scientists that are new to the world of (f)NIRS. The Knowledge Base consists of two different parts: the Support Hub and the Education Hub.
The Knowledge Base consists of Support Hub and Education Hub
Support Hub
The Support Hub aims on providing various types of support material that should provide help in using our NIRS and fNIRS devices:
Manuals and application videos for all our devices and software
FAQ and trouble shooting articles, for instance on what to do in case of Bluetooth issues, or how to understand what a good signal looks like
How-to-guides giving instructions on various topics, such as setting up optode templates or generating events with a stimulus presentation software
Application sheets with detailed instructions for various subjects
Whitepapers for advanced information on hot topics in the world of (f)NIRS
Education Hub
Starting new in the world of (f)NIRS can be challenging, due to the complexity of the technique. To help novel users learning more about (f)NIRS, we implemented the Education Hub in our elevated support center. The Education Hub contains training material that can training materials that can help especially for users that are new to the world of NIRS and fNIRS to get started with (f)NIRS and its application:
Basic fNIRS training course including different modules to learn more about the technique of fNIRS, our devices, the experimental design and setup. Upon successful completion of this online course, every user will receive a certificate.
(f)NIRS webinars on various applications using NIRS and fNIRS to measure muscle and / or brain activity
Miscellaneous including amongst others links and tools, open-source data sets, call for papers and references
Community Forum
The main target of the Community Forum is to create a space for Artinis users to discuss and share knowledge among themselves, for instance on how to work with a specific Artinis device, how to use and decide for experimental designs, or how to perform data analysis. In the Community Forum, it is possible to start new / engage in ongoing discussions, ask questions and report problems.
We believe that there are many experienced (f)NIRS users with valuable insights to share with the rest of the community and we hope that we can help facilitate exchange amongst researchers.
The Community Forum offers the possibility to start new discussions, or engage in conversations with other researchers
My Area Page
Have you not been able to find a suitable answer for your specific (support) question in our support center? Or do you face a problem you are unable to solve? The My Area Page offers the possibility to directly submit new support tickets to report your issues, or ask for support. These tickets will be forwarded to our teams of competent application specialists, who will answer you as soon as possible within two working days.
In case you need support that cannot be solved with the support center, it is possible to submit a ticket and get in touch with our application specialists
We are aiming to continuously add new relevant content and further improve the Artinis Support Center. The initial focus is on providing new guides in the form of articles, videos and application sheets to make the whole research process from experimental design to data analysis a smoother ride.
Do you have any suggestions for topics that are missing yet? Or do you have feedback for our support center? Please feel free to contact us (e.g. by submitting a ticket or starting a discussion in the forum). If you have knowledge of your own to contribute, then we welcome you to share your expertise in our community forum
— The Artinis team.
Providing superior support solutions to our customers is one of our highest priorities. We are happy to announce that we recently released our elevated support center, which aims to provide support and education quickly and easily to all Artinis users.
Read this blogpost about the content and aims of the different pages of the support center.