In Artinis NIRS blog, you will find the latest trends in (f)NIRS, NIRS studies and applications, tutor from the leaders of near infrared spectroscopy, not to mention detailed insights and tips and tricks for your research!

Publication overview 2023: Using our Artinis NIRS devices to measure in the muscle
General, PortaMon, PortaLite, Sports science Sophie Apprich General, PortaMon, PortaLite, Sports science Sophie Apprich

Publication overview 2023: Using our Artinis NIRS devices to measure in the muscle

We are proud that in 2023, an increasing number of publications using our NIRS devices to measure muscle oxygenation was found. In this blogpost, we list application areas with papers released last year utilizing our devices. We also highlight and summarize interesting publications per application category.

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Publication overview 2023: Using our (f)NIRS devices to measure in the brain
General, Brite, PortaLite, Multimodality Sophie Apprich General, Brite, PortaLite, Multimodality Sophie Apprich

Publication overview 2023: Using our (f)NIRS devices to measure in the brain

We are proud that in 2023 an increasing number of publications using our (f)NIRS devices to measure brain activity could be found. In this blogpost, we list application areas with papers released last year utilizing our devices. We also highlight and summarize interesting publications per application category.

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Multimodal fNIRS-EEG measurements — Analysis approaches
NIRS data analysis, Multimodality Artinis Medical Systems NIRS data analysis, Multimodality Artinis Medical Systems

Multimodal fNIRS-EEG measurements — Analysis approaches

When it comes to deciding on an appropriate data analysis approach in multimodal fNIRS-EEG measurements, the soundest consideration factors ultimately depend on the research question at hand. Therefore, the analysis steps may vary from one study to another. Nonetheless, they can broadly be classified into two strategies: parallel data analysis and informed data analysis.

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How Artinis fNIRS systems are ideal for monitoring the brain of sensitive participants
General, Brite, PortaLite, OctaMon, OxyMon Sophie Apprich General, Brite, PortaLite, OctaMon, OxyMon Sophie Apprich

How Artinis fNIRS systems are ideal for monitoring the brain of sensitive participants

Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy is a neuroimaging modality measuring brain activity, that offers various advantages, such as easy usability and non-invasiveness. Thus, it can perfectly be applied to sensitive subjects, such as infants, toddlers, and the elderly. Read in this blog post, what makes fNIRS a suitable technology to measure neural activity in sensitive subjects, and how it is currently used in this population.

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Multimodal fNIRS-EEG measurements — Integration on the head
Brite, OctaMon, OxyMon, Multimodality Sophie Apprich Brite, OctaMon, OxyMon, Multimodality Sophie Apprich

Multimodal fNIRS-EEG measurements — Integration on the head

When simultaneously measuring fNIRS and EEG, placement of both devices should ideally ensure proper coverage of the desired measurement location, minimize interference and take into account (technical) characteristics and basic of both techniques. Read this blog post to learn more about relevance of these points and further recommendations for integrating fNIRS and EEG on one head.  

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Publication Overview with our NIRS devices in 2022 – Muscle
General, Sports science, PortaMon, PortaLite, OxyMon Sophie Apprich General, Sports science, PortaMon, PortaLite, OxyMon Sophie Apprich

Publication Overview with our NIRS devices in 2022 – Muscle

We are proud that several papers using our NIRS devices to measure muscle oxygenation from different body parts and in various application fields were published in 2022. Read this blog post to get an overview of application areas NIRS can be used in, and which devices can be applied. Also, find highlighted publications per category that were performed with our devices in 2022.

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