In Artinis NIRS blog, you will find the latest trends in (f)NIRS, NIRS studies and applications, tutor from the leaders of near infrared spectroscopy, not to mention detailed insights and tips and tricks for your research!
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Brite23 Video: Completely wearable fNIRS
Get an impression of our latest fNIRS device on Youtube.

Finding Prana: An Artist’s Experiment with fNIRS

How to create the best optode template for your fNIRS setup

3D Digitization and Co-Registration to the MNI brain template using OxySoft
How do we know that the most active channels are located over the brain region of interest and not somewhere else? Of course, an experienced researcher just knows where to place the optodes, but is that enough to convince a potential highly-critical reviewer or fellow scientist?

User case: Combining multiple Artinis devices
Auditory cortex measurement with fNIRS.

ARTscientific 2017
The ARTscientific 2017 that has been held last year was a big success with valuable NIRS discussions. Subscribe to the next ARTscientific 2018 in Phuket, Thailand, this June!

Underwater NIRS
Underwater NIRS - Muscle Oxygenation changes measured with the Russian and Spanish Olympic synchronised swimming team.

YouTube: Product impression
We are on YouTube! Get an impression of our portable NIRS devices.

Auditory research with NIRS: an interview with dr. Marc van Wanrooij
Dr. Marc van Wanrooij and his team from the Hearing and Implants lab used a 48-channel OxyMon to study temporal cortical activation as represented by concentration changes of oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin in 48, easy-to-apply optical fNIRS channels.

2fNIRS workshop: Hyperscanning with the OctaMon
Last week Artinis was present at the 2016 2f-NIRS conference in Montpellier, France. This two-day conference, titled NIRS signal: from acquisition to analysis, provided us with a great platform to give a mirror game workshop with two OctaMon devices.

New scientific project: BriteN
Food is important for a healthy development of body and brain. But how do we get an insight into what nutrition is good for us? Artinis will provide a user-friendly, plug-and-play device to measure the effect of cognitive interventions on children using the NIRS technique.

NIRS and Tobii eye tracking
Bringing together the various methods of data collection and analysis. Combine different biometric techniques with NIRS, such as eye tracking technology.