New scientific project: BriteN

Brain, Food and virtual reality

"Food is important for a healthy development of body and brain. But how do we get an insight into what nutrition is good for us?"

As of this month, Artinis will participate in a new scientific project called BriteN. Together with researchers from the Donders Institute from the Radboud University, UMC Nijmegen, TNO, Mead Johnson Nutrition and companies Metris and Green Dino we will work on developing a platform to test the effects of food interventions on the brain development. 

This project aims to reduce the risk of obesity in children and lower the chance on developing a metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is associated with the increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Virtual reality-tests will be created to measure cognitive development of children and to assess their risk of developing obesity. Special attention is paid to the difference between boys and girls.   

The role of Artinis

Artinis will provide a user-friendly, plug-and-play device to measure the effect of cognitive interventions for children using our portable NIRS. With our devices it is possible to monitor brain activity without the use of large intimidating scanners, making it especially child-friendly. Our engineers are thrilled to work on such a groundbreaking project. It will be top-notch.

We will keep you posted!

The BriteN project is subsidised by OP-Oost.

Read more (dutch)


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