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Artinis Literature Overview 2019 - Brain research
We are very proud to see our equipment used in a wide range of scientific research and continue to be inspired by the bright scientists who are our customers. Perhaps the biggest takeaway from all the publications last year is the fact that NIRS is no longer navel-gazing as a research field on its own, but it has reached out and found a new audience as a versatile research application that, even more than fMRI, is being used in more and more parallel fields. Here, we highlight some of the noteworthy elements of 2019’s publications.

Artinis at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping
At the OHBM conference, we had multiple people with previous NIRS experience ask us if you could really get a good signal with a wearable device on adults. We offered them the chance to try it out themselves; a quick setup resulting in a good signal within minutes quickly dispelled their initial doubts. Seeing is believing!