In Artinis NIRS blog, you will find the latest trends in (f)NIRS, NIRS studies and applications, tutor from the leaders of near infrared spectroscopy, not to mention detailed insights and tips and tricks for your research!
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User insight: observing NIRS research with the Artinis PortaLite on elderly
We like to incorporate the user from the very first beginning in our development process. Talking with researchers and clinicians, we get to know what’s driving them and what their expectations and suggestions are for our devices. We are constantly trying to understand their feelings and see the world from their perspective to optimize our NIRS devices. One way of doing this is observing and questioning the user that is working with the device, and subject that is wearing the NIRS device. This way, we are trying to gain new insights for existing and future NIRS products.

PROMPT project: towards personalized treatment of mobility dysfunction
In this project we will focus on one of the most disabling symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, freezing of gait – episodic absence or reduction in the ability to produce an effective stepping in spite of the intention to walk (Nutt et al., 2011).