In Artinis NIRS blog, you will find the latest trends in (f)NIRS, NIRS studies and applications, tutor from the leaders of near infrared spectroscopy, not to mention detailed insights and tips and tricks for your research!
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Which experimental designs to use in fNIRS — Block design
Block design is one of the most frequently used experimental designs when performing fNIRS experiments, as it offers various advantages. In this blogpost, we explain characteristics, advantages and considerations of block design experiments, and give recommendations on how to correctly use it in your fNIRS research.
Which experimental designs to use in fNIRS — Introduction
This is the introduction post of our blogpost series on experimental designs in fNIRS. In this blogpost, we explain what fNIRS measures, which general considerations have to be considered, and which frequent experimental setups we have for fNIRS.
Using fNIRS to study emotions in virtual reality environments
Have you ever watched a horror movie or read a really gripping thriller that made you skip a beat or two at the climax? If you know what I’m talking about, then we can agree on something: our minds are connected to our bodies in such a way that the emotions we experience cause physiological changes on us.
NIRS and connectivity measures: an Interview with Prof. Stephane Perrey
fNIRS, as a neuroimaging method, was introduced more than two decades ago. Innovation in equipment, tools, and methods based on related-neuroimaging methods is increasing thanks to several companies and academic laboratories. The use of fNIRS in future research practices will aid in advancing modern investigations of human brain function. Connectivity measures will contribute to the field of neuroscience and a multimodal imaging approach is likely required.
User case: Combining multiple Artinis devices
Auditory cortex measurement with fNIRS.