Publication overview 2018

We are proud to announce that Artinis devices again take the lead position in the NIRS scientific world. Every year we perform a systemic search in Google Scholar for publications that include the terms NIRS, fNIRS or near infrared spectroscopy. For research using Artinis devices we observed an increase of 13% in publications in 2017 compared to the previous year. For the current year this almost doubled to an increase of 24% in publications compared to 2017. We are very happy to report continuous growth in the number of publications in the last few years, while other companies show stagnating numbers.

Next to the overall number of publications using f(NIRS), we looked at the number of publications using portable NIRS devices. We are very glad to report that Artinis maintains its dominant position in the portable NIRS market.

A special thanks to our customers who published so many articles with our (f)NIRS devices and we hope you will keep on publishing in the future!


Publications by Manufacturer


Publications Using Portable NIRS Devices


Portable NIRS Devices Publications per Manufacturer in 2018


Short separation channels: the new trend in fNIRS


A research lab on wheels: unveiling the Sophia Bus