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If you believe you can make a difference and fit this profile, apply by sending your motivation letter (max one A4 page) and resume in PDF format to by August 16th. For more information, please contact Daphne van der Putte.

Acquisition regarding this advertisement is not appreciated.

Sales and Application Specialist

Join Artinis and Support Cutting-Edge Research with Your Expertise
At Artinis, we develop and supply innovative wearable research products that are utilized by researchers worldwide in fields such as cognitive neuroscience, medical research, brain-computer interfaces, and sports applications. We are currently seeking an Application Specialist to engage with our (potential) customers.

Artinis is a vibrant team of diverse individuals from 15 different nationalities. As a Sales & Application Specialist in our Sales & Support team, you bridge the gap between our advanced technological solutions and the needs of our clients. The successful candidate will be responsible for driving sales, providing expert application support, and ensuring our clients receive the highest level of service and training on our products. You will also be involved in the development of our new research solutions and provide essential feedback to our R&D team.

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Key responsibilities

  • Contact potential customers with quotes and information to drive sales and close deals;

  • Ensure timely delivery of devices to customers;

  • Support existing customers with their use of our devices;

  • Contribute new ideas and feedback to our R&D team;

Desired skills and experience

  • Strong affinity with sales and marketing;

  • Comfortable interacting with researchers and similar professionals;

  • University or HBO degree in life sciences, health sciences, neuroscience, human movement sciences, biomedical sciences, physiology, kinesiology, sports sciences, or a related field;

  • Excellent written and spoken English; ability to convey complex scientific topics to varied audiences;

  • Proficiency in teaching, presenting, and explaining technical content;

  • Independent, confident, enthusiastic, and customer- and solution-oriented;

  • Willing to travel approximately 20% of the time.

Additional preferred qualifications

  • Experience with NIRS technology;

  • Familiarity with AFAS software;

  • Experience with obtaining and analyzing human physiological data;

  • Ability to speak additional languages, such as Spanish or Chinese.

About Artinis

Artinis Medical Systems is a dynamic, innovative company based in the Netherlands, operating on a global scale. We envision a world where a healthy brain, body, and mind are our most valuable assets. To support this vision, we offer world-leading near-infrared spectroscopy imaging solutions, utilized by top-tier companies and universities worldwide across various research fields.

What we offer

  • A varied and independent role with room for personal input and responsibility;

  • Opportunities for personal development and growth;

  • An inspiring and pleasant work environment;

  • A pension plan and competitive salary;

  • A position for 32–40 hours per week.


Apply by sending your motivation letter (max one A4 page) and resume in PDF format to by August 16th. For more information, please contact Daphne van der Putte.

No intermediate applications are accepted.