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Neural Control of Movement

Artinis will be represented by our U.S. distributor Cortech at the Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM). The NCM is an international community of scientists, clinician-investigators and students all engaged in research whose common goal is to understand how the brain controls movement.

From the outset the goal of NCM was to provide a useful gathering of investigators in an informal and casual setting to present and discuss where we are in a diverse and complex field, where we should be going and how we might best proceed as a community with multiple perspectives and approaches. The meeting was to be unique in style, such that sessions were formulated and proposed by small groups of members and geared through focused presentations and discussions integrated into themes reflecting the diversity of the membership. Sessions would change in content with each yearly meeting.

The inaugural NCM Meeting took place in April, 1991 on Marcos Island, Florida, with roughly 140 attendees. The success of the initial years promoted longevity and expansion of NCM and its meeting, both in attendance (now over 300) and the breadth of scientific content. Sessions cover all levels of inquiry – from perception to genetic expression, and from whole organism to intracellular function, while also including computational and theoretical approaches. Sessions have expanded to include a variety of formats and durations to accommodate diverse needs and interests, while poster sessions have been augmented to yield highly popular, vibrant and flexible forums of scientific interchange.

This highly regarded and robust meeting continues to meet in desirable, family-friendly locations typically in April every year. Hundreds of scientists, clinician-investigators and students gather to discuss how the brain controls movement.

The 26th Annual Meeting and Satellite Meeting will take place in Montego Bay, Jamaica from April 24 – 29, 2016 at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa.

April 14

2f-NIRS Workshop

May 25

International Conference of Infant Studies