Innovating Medical Research with a qualitative and sustainable working Culture
Medical and scientific research often requires state-of-the-art equipment that can deliver accurate and reliable results, and manufacturers that prioritize innovation and quality can provide the necessary tools to support scientific advancement. Artinis Medical Systems is an innovative Dutch company that is active in the field of medical research and quality assurance and also lives up to those quality standards. However, what makes us a leading company is sometimes beyond the instruments themselves.
About Artinis
We are proud to be the leading manufacturer of (f)NIRS devices. We accomplish it by not only focusing on the development and usability within the design process, but also by providing superior after-sales support. Our highly portable and wearable (f)NIRS instruments excel in monitoring oxygen supply in the brain or muscle tissue non-invasively.
Artinis is an independent manufacturer and, therefore, can choose the best components and manufacturing partners on the market to build our products. Coming from the research domain ourselves, we have a lot of experience in optical oximetry, especially near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Besides NIRS systems, we also create gold-standard X-ray phantoms for quality control in mammography and radiology. At Artinis, we make optical imaging easy.
People at Artinis
Meet the people who contribute to every experience you have gotten with Artinis devices. Since the production of our first NIRS device back in 2002, we've been pushing ourselves to do business the right way. Every day, we strive to deliver our products & services while respecting our environment:
🌱 The majority of our colleagues enjoy traveling to work with a low carbon footprint. To elaborate, 38% come by bike, 10% by fully-electric cars, and 21% by public transport. The others use a hybrid car or motorbike. As the Netherlands is known for its cycling culture, the bike is popular not only during nice weather but also commonly used even when it is windy or rainy.
🌱 During winter times, everyone agrees not to use excessive heating. We prefer hot tea, cool sweaters, and fluffy garments.
🌱 A patch of our office is a small apple & walnut tree garden. In harvest seasons, we relish eating freshly-baked apple pie together for office lunch.
🌱 Everyone has the freedom to work from home. Fun fact; here at Artinis, employees are compensated if they move closer to the office to encourage the cycling lifestyle.
This culture reflects on the daily practices of Artinis people, such as caring for customers and handling the products:
🌱 We try to keep our packing materials in prime condition, so we can reuse them. We also separate our waste for optimal recycling, and ship our packages with a carbon-neutral parcel service.
🌱 We utilize online customer support whenever possible. For outside appointments in the Netherlands and our neighboring countries, we use our plug-in hybrid company car.
🌱 In general, our office buildings are equipped with solar panels that cover on average 40% of the overall electrical consumption. We want to make this number even higher. Besides that, we have additional energy supplied by Greenchoice, one of the most environmentally-focused energy suppliers in The Netherlands.
Every day we strive to deliver our products & services with respect to our environment, our customers, and among our colleagues. Earth Day serves as a reminder that we all, businesses or individuals, share the responsibility to pay our respect to nature, which can be done in multiple situations. By prioritizing innovation, quality, and sustainability, Artinis offers state-of-the-art equipment and superior after-sales support to support scientific advancement.
fMRI is widely used and seen as the gold standard in non-invasive in-vivo brain imaging. However, due to its technology, it is comes with certain limitations in participant groups and experiments. fNIRS is portable, easy to use and can be applied in subjects of all ages. Hence, it can provide a valid alternative to fMRI in many applications. In this blogpost we discuss advantages that fNIRS has over fMRI, considerations that should be kept in mind and we highlight literature using fNIRS and fMRI to compare, or get complementary information.