Exploring a Brite mind: flexibly, comfortably, reliably.
Measures oxy-, deoxy- and total hemoglobin concentration changes from any cortical brain area
Portable & wearable
Highly comfortable due to soft optodes and optode holders
Made from biocompatible materials
High data quality based on the improved Brite
Optimized flexibility to test in common infant research settings
Fast setup time
Easy data acquisition and analysis with our superior software solutions, OxySoft and Brite Connect
Hyperscanning is possible across all ages
The BabyBrite system is designed to provide high-comfort to young infants. We aimed to achieve this by using flat optode tips and soft optode holders, which are crafted from biocompatible materials, for extra safe and gentle skin contact on babies.
The soft-click principle allows an easy & fast setup. Additionally, this principle allows to easily move hair aside when infants have lots of hair.
The BabyBrite is an optimized version of the new Brite MKII for infant research, making use of similar improved technology. This device allows researchers the flexibility to conduct studies in many research settings. The flexible template feature enables researchers to measure brain activity from any location on the infant head. The BabyBrite package comes with distance guards that ensure stable inter-optode distance and mounting solutions for lab and real-life interactions (e.g. car seat; parent lap, high chair, crawling around).
The BabyBrite only weighs 300 grams, which makes it ideal for babies that are freely moving or asleep. You can set up your research wherever you want whenever you want!
Built with the same innovative features as the Brite (high data quality, multi-power gain control, and ambient light protection), the BabyBrite is the perfect portable NIRS device to measure the brain activity of babies and infants between 0 to 2 years old.
Hyperscanning (e.g. parent-child interaction) can be easily done in combination with the Brite. By combining two BabyBrite devices, it is possible to form a Dual BabyBrite and measure over 54 channels on older infants.
Designed to provide extra comfort to young babies
BabyBrite specifications
The BabyBrite can be used to measure changes in oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin concentration levels in the brain. As it only weighs 300 grams (!) and is a portable NIRS device, infants are able to freely move and crawl around while wearing the device. The BabyBrite is the ideal device for all infant research, such as infant cognitive development, linguistic development, parent-child interaction/synchrony, and infant peer-to-peer interaction.
fNIRS applications
Easy maintenance for researchers
In this video we show you how to quickly, easily and effectively clean your BabyBrite.
fNIRS made easy
The NIRS technique
Optical oximetry and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in particular is a tool for non-invasively assessing the oxygenation status and hemodynamics of various organs, e.g., muscle and brain. They rely on mainly two characteristics of human tissue. Firstly, the relative transparency of tissue for light in the NIR range, and secondly on the oxygenation-dependent light absorbance of hemoglobin.
Real-time recording and processing of your (f)NIRS data
SOFTWARE solutions
With the Brite, we provide two different software solutions by default, which both were developed by Artinis. OxySoft is our dedicated software application used to collect, store, view, and analyze all necessary data. This user-friendly software is highly customizable to individual requirements and allows for display of your data in 3D in real-time. Brite Connect is our data acquisition software which aims on easy and quick recordings of your (f)NIRS data. It comes with a modern and sleek outlay, and enables easy measuring, viewing and exporting of data.
BabyBrite research package
Designed, produced, and manufactured in The Netherlands, EU.
BabyBrite incl. headcaps
Arm Band to flexibly place the BabyBrite on (parent’s) arm, chair, car-sit, etc
Distance Guards for 20 or 25 mm inter-optode distance
Laptop with pre-installed software
OxySoft, our proprietary data analysis software
Brite Connect, our easy (f)NIRS data recording software
OxySoft and Brite Connect license keys
USB Bluetooth dongle
Universal micro-USB cable & charger
User Manual & Quick Start guide in English
Support in setting up your research
The MediBrite is a CE marked medical device according to Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745.
Other Artinis NIRS products are intended to be used for research applications only. Other Artinis products are not sold as Medical Device as defined in Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745. Our products are not designed or intended to be used for the diagnosis or treatment of disease.