Artinis Medical Systems | (f)NIRS devices

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ARTscientific 2017

The aim of the first Artinis symposium is to create an open platform for both experienced and novice researchers, scientist and academic students. During these 2,5 days we offer lots of hands-on experience, (NIRS) workshops, scientific lectures, wining and dining and possibilities to share your experiences with us and other attendees. With our keynote speakers: Prof. Scherder, Dr. van Wanrooij, Prof. Perrey and Prof. Cooper you will be in great company. 

ARTscientific 2017 will be held at a scenic location on the countryside of the Netherlands. Located next to the Netherland's biggest national Park 'The Hoge Veluwe' it offers a unique combination of nature, art and architecture. The park covers 5,500 hectares of woodland, heath, grasslands and shifting sands and musea. 

With a ticket we offer the possibility to stay at the symposium location: Boutique Hotel Sterrenberg. Warm colors, wood, stone, local modern art and a natural design creates a pleasant and inspiring environment to follow workshops during the day and to socialize in the evening. 

The symposium is now open for registration. Register before the 15th of december to get early bird tickets.

For registrations and more information please visit where we will keep you updated. 

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